
Uniting to understand and challenge slavery

Our world-leading institute is at the forefront of researching and tackling slavery, giving voice to the exploited, both past and present.

Wilberforce: past, present and future

William Wilberforce fought to the end for his cause, but nearly 200 years after his death, slavery remains a global problem. Following in his footsteps, our world-leading institute uses the lessons of the past to help shape a freer future and dismantle the scourge of slavery and exploitation.

In 2016 the Wilberforce Institute was awarded the Queen’s Anniversary Prize, which recognises work that is considered of ‘outstanding excellence’.

Research & projects

We’re bringing together leading thinkers across academic disciplines to develop our understanding of slavery’s past. Our work gives today’s leaders the tools they need to tackle it in the present.
Certain things are impossible, but we will do them anyway. William Wilberforce

About us

As Wilberforce himself said, “My walk is a public one.” A crucial part of our mission is sharing our insights with the wider world, challenging and shaping public views on slavery both past and present.
Cristina Talens conducting a modern slavery risk assessment

Business & outreach

We want to make a real difference in the world, and that means working with businesses and communities to prevent modern slavery from taking root. Find out more about the professional services we offer.


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